
Making Sense of Iran and al-Qaeda’s Relationship

Mar 22, 2021

The nature of the relationship between al-Qaeda and Iran is one of the most contentious debates in the counterterrorism community, dividing analysts, policymakers and government officials. The stakes of establishing or disproving the relationship are considerable—meaningful state support is immensely useful to terrorist organizations, especially one being hunted by the U.S. government. Current analytic disagreements are not necessarily about whether al-Qaeda and Iran have a relationship; on that point, there is little room for doubt.

General Mohsen Rezaei: Iran is a superpower that controls 500 million people in 25 countries

The Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council, General Mohsen Rezaei, reportedly claimed on Sunday (February 7) that Iran is now a superpower which controls 500 million people in 25 countries with an annual trade value of 800 billion dollars.